
© 2011 – 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All translations on this blog are for non-commercial purpose. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without the express and written permission from the blog’s owners is strictly prohibited. Please do not make a copy of our translations in pdf or any other distributable format because we edit our translations continuously.

General Wants To Hug And Sleep (Completed)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3.1  3.2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.1 5.2
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.1 12.2

Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.1 15.2
Chapter 16.1 16.2  16.3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.1  20.2
Chapter 21.1  21.2
Chapter 21.3  21.4
Chapter 22.1  22.2  22.3

My Mr Mermaid (浪花一朵朵)
Epilogue 1.1 1.2 1.3 (Done)

When Da Shen Encounters Da Shen

Chapter 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

I Do Only Care Of You (You’re An Apple In My Eyes)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Husband is Great Black Belly (老公是腹黑大人) Complete

Synopsis + Prologue
Chapter 1 (1.1)
1.2  1.3 1.4
Chapter 2 (2.1) 2.2  2.3
Chapter 3 (3.1) 3.2   3.3 3.4
Chapter 4 (4.1) 4.2  4.3
Chapter 5 (5.1) 5.2
Chapter 6 (6.1) 6.2

Chapter 7 (7.1) 7.2 7.3
Chapter 8 (8.1) 8.2 8.3
Chapter 9 (9.1) 9.2 9.3 9.4
Chapter 10 (10.1) 10.2 10.3 10.4
Chapter 11 (11.1) 11.2
Chapter 12 (12.1) 12.2 12.3
Chapter 13 (13.1) 13.2
Chapter 14 (14.1) 14.2 14.3
Chapter 15 (15.1) 15.2 15.3
Chapter 16 (16.1) 16.2 16.3
Chapter 17 (17.1) 17.2 17. 3
Chapter 18 (18.1) 18.2
Chapter 19 (19.1) 19.2
Chapter 20 (20.1) 20. 2 20.3
Chapter 21 (21.1) 21. 2 21.3
Chapter 22 (22.1) 22.2
Chapter 23 (23.1) 23.2 23.3
Chapter 24 (24.1) 24.2 24.3 24.4
Chapter 25 (25.1) 25.2 25.3 25.4
Chapter 26 (26.1) 26.2 26. 3 26.4
Chapter 27 (27.1) 27.2 27.3
Chapter 28 (28.1) 28.2 28.3
Chapter 29 (29.1) 29.2 29.3
Special Chapter : Kang Yu revenge (1 ) (2)
Special Chapter : Ge Ge and Fu Ma (The Princess and Prince) [1] [2]

YY 2

Summary Post

Character Detail

A Naive Short Tempered Girl (completed)

Chapters : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 /13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 – 48 / 49 / 50 / 51 / 52 / 53 / 54 – 55 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 – 67 / 68 / 69 – 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 -78 / 79 / 80 / 81 / 82 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 86 / 87 – 88 / 89 / 90 / 91 – 93 / 94 / 95 – 96 / 97 – 100 / 101 – 103  / 104 – 106 / 107 – 110 / 111 – 114 / 115 – 118 / 119 / 120 / 121 / 122 / 123 – 124 / 125 / 126 / 127  / 128 / 129 – 130 / 131 – 132 / 133 / 134 / 135 – 136 / 137 – 140 / 141 – 143 / 144 – 145 / 146 / 147 / 148 – 150 / 151 – 154 / 155 – 157 / 158 – 160 / 161 / 162 – 163 / 164 / 165-167 / 168 / 169 – 170 / 171 / 172 / 173 / 174 – 176 / 177 / 178  / 179 – 180 / 181 – 182 / 183 / 184 / 185 / 186 – 188 / 189 – 190 / 191 – 194 / 195 – 196 / 197 – 198 / 199 A // 199 B//  200 A// 200 B //  201 A // 201 B // 202 A // 202 B// 203 A // 203 B // 204 A // 204 B// 205 A // 205 B // 206 A// 206 B// 207 A // 207 B// 208 A// 208 B // 208 C // 208 D//  209  // 210 A // 210 B// 210 C // 210 D // 210 E //  211 A // 211 B// 211 C // 211 D // 212 A // 212 B// 212 C// 212 D// 213 A // 213 B // 213 C// 213 D// 214 A// 214 B// 214 C // 215 / 216 A // 216 B// 217 A// 217 B// 218 A // 218 B// 218 C // 218 D// 219 A // 219 B// 219 C// 220 A// 220 B// 221 A // 221 B// 221 C // 222 A// 222 B // 222 C// 223 A// 223 B// 223 C// 223 D// 223 E// 224 A// 224 B// 224 C// 224 D// 225 A // 225 B// 225 C// 225 D// 225E// 226 A// 226 B// 226 C// 226 D / 227 A// 227 B// 227 C// 227 D// 227 E// 228 A// 228 B// 228 C// 228 D // 229 A// 229 B// 229 C// 229 D//229 E// 230 A// 230 B// 230 C// 230 D// 230E// 231 A// 231 B// 231C // 231 D// 232 A// 232 B// 232 C// 232 D// 233 A// 233 B// 234A// 234B  / 235 / 236 / 237 / 238 / 239 / 240 / 241 / 242 / 243 A // 243 B / 244 A// 244 B / 245 A// 245 B / 246 / 247 / 248 / 249 A// 249 B / 250 A// 250 B / 251 A// 251 B / 252 A// 252 B / 253 A// 253 B / 254 A// 254 B / 255 A// 255 B / 256 A// 256 B/ 257 A// 257 B / 258 A // 258 B// 259 A // 259 B/ 260 / 261 / 262 / 263 / 264 A// 264 B / 265 A// 265 B / 266 A// 266 B / 267 A// 267 B// 267 C/ 268 / 269 A// 269 B / 270 A // 270 B / 271 A// 271 B / 272 A// 272 B / 273 / 274 A // 274 B / 275 A // 275 B / 276 A// 276 B / 277 / 278 / 279 / 280 A// 280 B / 281 / 282A // 282 B / 283 / 284 / 285 / 286 / 287 / 288 / 289 / 290 / 291 / 292A // 292 B / 293 / 294 / 295 / 296 / 297 / 298 / 299 / 300 / 301 / 302 / 303 / 304 / 305 / 306 / 307308 / 309 / 310 /311 + 312 / 313 + 314 / 315 + 316 / 317 / 318 / 319 / 320 / 321 / 322 / 323 / 324 A// 324 B / 325 / 326 A// 326 B / 327 A// 327 B / 328 A// 328 B / 329 A// 329 B / 330A// 330B / 331A // 331B / 332 A// 332 B / 333 / 334 / 335 / 336 / 337 / 338A /338 B// 338 C / 339 A/ 339 B / 340 / 341 / 342 / 343 / 344 / 345 A + B / 346 / 347 A// 347 B / 348 A + B / 349 A + B / 350 A + B / 351 / 352 / 353 / 354 / 355 / 356 / 357A + B / 358 /359 / 360 A / 361 / 362 / 363 / 364 / 365 / 366 / 367 + 368 /369 + 370 / 371+ 372 / 373 + 374 / 375 + 376/ 377 + 378 / 379380 / 381 / 382 + 383 / 384 / 385 / 386 / 387A + B / 388 / 389 / 390 / 391 / 392 A + B + C + D / 393 A + B + C + D / 394 A + B + C + D / 395 A + B + C + D / 396 A + B + C / 397A / 397 B / 398 / 398 B/ 399 A + B / 400 A + B / 401 A + B C+D / 402 / 403 A + B + C/ 404 A + B / 405 A + B + C / 406 A + B + C / 407 / 408 / 409 A + B /410 A + B / 411 A/411 B 411 C / 412 A+B / 413 / 414 A + B / 415 A + B / 416 / 417 A + B / 418 A + B / 419 / 420 / 421A + B / 422 A + B + C  + D/ 423 A + B + C / 424 / 425 A + B / 426 A + B / 427 / 428 / 429 A + B/ 430 A + B / 431 / 432 / 433 / 434 / 435 + 435 B/ 436 / 437 / 438 / 439 / 440 A + B / 441 / 442 A + B / 443 A + B + C / 444 A + B + C / 445 A + B + C / 446 A + B / 447 / 448 / 449 A + B + C / 450 A + B  + C  + D / 451 A + B / 452 A + B  + C + D/ 453 A + B  / 454 A + B + C + D / 455 A + B + C / 456 A + B /457 A + B + C + D/ 458 A + B /459 A + B  /460 A + B/ 461 A+ B / 462 A + B / 463 A + B + C + D / 464 A + B + C / 465 A + B + C + D / 466 A + B + C / 467 A + B + C / 468 A + B + C / 469 A + B + C / 470 A + B  471 A + B / 472 A + B  + C / 473 A + B + C / 474 / 475A + B / 476A + B + C / 477A + 477 B / 478 A + B479 A + B + C + D  / 480 A + B + C + D / 481A + B + C + D / 482 A + B  +C + D / 483 A + B + C / 484 A + B + C + D / 485 A + B / 486 A + B +C + D / 487 A + B + C / 488 A + / 489 A + B / 490 A + B / 491 A + B / 492 A + B / 493 A + B / 494 A + B / 495 A + B / 496 A + B / 497A + B + C / 498 A + B + C / 499 A + B /500 A + B / 501A + B / 502 / 503 A + B / 504 A + B / 505A + B / 506 A + B / 507 / 508 / 509A +B / 510 A + B/ 511 A + B / 512A + B / 513A + B / 514 A + B / 515 A + B / 516 / 517 A + B / 518A + B/ 519 / 520 A + B / 521A + B / 522 A + B / 523 / 524 / 525A + B / 526 / 527A + B / 528A + B / 529 / 530 / 531A + B / 532 / 533 / 534 A + B / 535 / 536 / 537 A + B / 538 / 539A + B / 540 A + B / 541 A + B / 542 A + B / 543  / 544 / 545 / 546 A + B / 547A + B / 548 / 549 A + B / 550 / 551 / 552 A +B /553 / 554 A + B + C / 555 /556 A + B / 557 / 558 / 559 A + B / 560 A + B /561 A + B/ 562 A + B / 563A +B / 564/ 566 / 567 / 568 / 569 /570 / 571 / 572 / 573 / 574 / 575 A + B / 576 A + B / 577 / 578 / 579A + 579 B/ 580 / 581 A+ B + C + D / 582/ 583 / 584 A + B / 585 / 586 / 587 A+B / 588 A + B / 589 A + B /590 / 591A + B / 592 / 593 / 594 / 595 / 596 A+ B / 597 / 598 A+ B + C / 599 A + B / 600 A + B / 601 A + B / 602 A + B / 603 A  / 604 A  / 605 / 606 / 607 / 608 / 609 / 610 / 611A + B / 612 / 613 / 614 / 615 A + B / 616 A + B + C + D / 617 A + B + C + D / 618A + B / 619 A + B + C / 620 A + B / 621A+ B / 622 A+B / 623 A + B / 624 A + B / 625  / 626 / 627A + B / 628 / 629 / 630 / 631 / 632 A + B / 633 / 634 A + B / 635 / 636 / 637 / 638 / 639 / 640 A + B / 641/ 642A + B + C/ 643A + B/ 644 A + B / 645 / 646 / 647/ 648 / 649 / 650 / 651 / 652 / 653 / 654 / 655 / 656 / 657 / 658 / 659 A + B / 660 A + B / 661 / 662 / 663 / 664 A + B / 665 / 666 / 667 A + B / 668 / 669 / 670 / 671 / 672 / 673 / 674 / 675 / Epilogue
Aslan Country

The Substitute Bride (替身新娘) Completed

Link for the password chapters

Pass question: Ye Che’s younger brother name. Hint: YD

Chapters : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 /13 – 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37-38 /Special Chapters (39-42) /43 /44 – 45 / 46 /47 /48/ 49 /50 /51/ 52 /53 / 54 / 55 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 69 / 70 / 71 / 72 / 73 /74 / 75 / 76 / 77 / 78 / 79 / 80 / 81 / 82 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 86 / 87 / 88 / 89 / 90 / 91 / 92 / 93 /94 / 95 / 96 / 97 – 98 / 99 / 100 /101 / 102 / 103 / 104 / 105 / 106 / 107 / 108 / 109 / 110 / 111 / 112 / 113 / 114 / 115 / 116 / 117 / 118 / 119 / 120 / 121 / 122 /123 – 125 / 126 / 127 / 128 / 129 / 130 / 131 / 132 / 133 / 134 / 135 / 136 / 137 / 138 / 139 / 140 / 141 / 142 / 143 / 144 / 145 / 146 / 147 / 148-150 / 151 / 152 / 153 / 154 / 155 / 156 / 157 / 158 / 159 / 160 / 161 / 162 / 163 / 164 / 165 / 166 / 167 / 168 / 169 / 170 / 171 / 172 / 173 / 174 / 175 / 176 / 177 / 178 / 179 / 180 / 181 – 183 / 184 / 185 – 186 / 187 – 188 / 189 / 190 / 191 / 192 / 193 / 194 / 195 / 196 / 197 – 198 / 199 / 200 /201 – 202 / 203 / 204 / 205 / 206 / 207 / 208

Fiction : Love and Price Tag (愛情和價格標籤)
Opening Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

The CEO’s Pregnant Wife (总裁的孕妻) Completed

Chapter 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Chapter 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5
Chapter 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Chapter 4.1 4.2 4.3
Chapter 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Chapter 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Chapter 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4
Chapter 8.1-8.2 8.3 8.4
Chapter 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4
Chapter 10.1 10.2 10.3

The Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife 


Pass question: An Jia Qi’s best friend. Hint: either LM or XH

Chapter 1.1 1.2 Chapter 14.1 14.2 Chapter 27.1 27.2 27.3 Chapter 40.1 40.2 Chapter 53
Chapter 2 Chapter 15.1 15.2 15.3 Chapter 28.1 28.2 Chapter 41.1
Chapter 54
Chapter 3.1 3.2 Chapter 16.1 16.2 16.3
Chapter 29.1 29.2 29.3 Chapter 42 Chapter 55
Chapter 4.1 4.2 Chapter 17.1 17.2 Chapter 30.1 30.2
Chapter 43 Chapter 56
Chapter 5.1 5.2 Chapter 18.1 18.2 18.3 Chapter 31.1 31.2 Chapter 44 Chapter 57
Chapter 6 Chapter 19.1 19.2 Chapter 32.1 32.2 Chapter 45 Chapter 58
Chapter 7.1 7.2 Chapter 20.1 20.2 20.3 Chapter 33.1 33.2 Chapter 46 Chapter 59
Chapter 8.1 8.2 Chapter 21.1 21.2 Chapter 34.1 34.2 Chapter 47 Chapter 60
Chapter 9.1 9.2 Chapter 22.1 22.2 Chapter 35.1 35.2  Chapter 48
Chapter 10.1 10.2 Chapter 23.1 23.2 Chapter 36.1 36.2 Chapter 49
Chapter 11.1 11.2 11.3 Chapter 24.1 24.2 24.3 Chapter 37 Chapter 50
Chapter 12.1 12.2 12.3 Chapter 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Chapter 38 Chapter 51
Chapter 13.1 13.2 Chapter 26.1 26.2 26.3 Chapter 39.1 39.2 Chapter 52 Epilogue

My Silly Girl (Love After Marriage) – (我的傻姑娘(婚后宠文) Pilot Project
Pass Question: Who is Wen Ze’s wife name. Hint: LSE
Chapter 1.1 1.2 1.3
Chapter 2.1 2.2
Chapter 3.1 3.2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.1 5.2
Chapter 6.1 6.2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 9.2
Chapter 10 10.2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16



Short Story – Promised Land (Completed)

Part 1
Part 2

One Shot Story (completed)
An Introvert Girl’s Love Part 1
An Introvert Girl’s Love Part 2

C-novel : Being Love Exclusively by You (被你独占的爱)  Complete
 Prologue Chapter 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.3 / 6.4
Chapter 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 Chapter 7.1 / 7.2 / 7.3
Chapter 2.1 / 2.2 2/ 2.3 / 2.4 Chapter 8.1 / 8.2 / 8.3 / 8.4 4
Chapter 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.4 Chapter 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 9.4 / 9.5
Chapter 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4 Chapter 10.1 / 10.2 / 10.3 / 10.4
Chapter 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3  Epilogue

Don’t Cry My Sweet Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 /8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 /13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 /21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33

Earl’s Family Young Master

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 /14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27

28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40

90 thoughts on “Index

  1. It’s not a problem. After you have put in so much effort with the translations, the thanks you’s all go to you for helping others who can’t read mandarin to be able to enjoy awesome cnovels.

  2. I just read the General Wants to Hug and sleep. Fun story, thanks for translating. Could you consider adding a synopsis or something to your translations? I had no idea what these stories are about, so I hesitated reading them. I’m glad I took a chance, and now I’m going to start The Substitute Bride.

  3. Hi there, I have read your stranslation,”The General Wants to Hug and Sleep”, and I loved it so much!I don’t understand Chinese, so I’m very grateful to you for sharing such a beautiful and very amusing novel with the lots of us who doesn’t understand Chinese.

    Actually, I found some grammar errors there. Even though I know that English isn’t my Mother’s tongue and I’m still learning it, but I just want to tell you about it with good intention. Really. And I think, it would be better if you have an Editor. Well, I’d like to offer you my little help there, but I’m not perfect in english and that wouldn’t do, right? ^_^ but, if that’s ok with you, just tell me.
    Anyway, thank you very much for the hard work! You made my day!

  4. Hi there,
    I have had just read your translation, “The General Wants to Hug and Sleep”, and I loved it! Thank you for sharing and translating this Novel. It’s because of you and all the other translators, that I–who don’t understand Chinese–can read a C-novel.
    But, even though im not perfect in English and still learning it, I noticed there are some grammar errors in your translation. And I think, it would be better if you have an Editor of a proof reading (or something/one?). I really want to offer you some help there, but I’m not sure with my English ^_^ anyway, if you think it’s okay, then feel free to tell me.
    Thank you for the hard work!
    Lots of love,
    Your reader,

    1. Hi Edelweys,
      thanks for stopping by 🙂
      I hope you understand either English or Chinese isn’t my native language. but, I really working hard to improve and give my best in doing all my translation projects.

      It you read my newest project, you will find out the translation much nicer and better.

      cheers ^-^

      1. Hi Azurro we should be thankful (I am bowing*) I understand even you are not native English speaker, as long as your reader understand what your point is. Communication succeeds only if two/more understand each other. And also you spend your time and have been providing us with english version. Some of us dont even understand chinese but we love to read c-novels/manhwa. I have read most of your translations and been following Naive girl and Black Belly dilligently.😁 👍👍👍 Aja aja fighting!

      2. hi there, thanks so much for ur translation. I would like to read the full chapters of the substitute bride and some chapters are locked by password. How could i open it? should i register or something? pls let me know, since i just started to read ur translation recently.

  5. Hi,
    Thank you for translating novel from Chinese to English. I really enjoy your translation. My friend suggested me that I can improve my English skills here because I love to read Chinese novel over than traditional English books (normally I will read chinese novels in Thai). I will keep following your blog and hope you will continue translate the lovely novels again and again. Have a good day!

  6. Thanks for translating and waiting for the remaining chapters of all these novels to be translated.

  7. please fix the link of The General Wants to Hug and sleep chapter 20.1 and chapter 21.1 both show same page……

  8. i;m glad you put on the index and the complete chapter of the book. At least i won’t feel restless to know how long the novel will be. TQ for the effort

      1. Those chapters were password by Thunder. But, as I have stated in my summary post, I’ll re-translate those chapters after I done with my translation projects.

  9. Hi Azurro.Happy New Year!
    Been lurking into you translation for sometimes. Thanks so much! Keep it up😉👍

  10. Always checking for the update of naive girl and reading it everyday! Thank you always for the translation and i hope it won’t be stopped or dropped 🙂 i also read the general, loved exclusively by you, and substitute bride. The stories are great! Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories 🙂

  11. Actually I would really like to read your translation’s, but I started reading the first chapter of The Substitute Bride and the grammar is just unbearable…

    If you could get a editor it would be really good. Keep up your work for everyone else, but as for me: I just can’t enjoy reading if I have to dissect every sentence.

    MFG Tetsuki

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you for stopping by 🙂

      I can’t avoid the grammatical error but I have tried my best to provide readable + understandable translation. As for the editors, Hm…

      You are not the first reader who suggest me to have editor, proofreader, etc.
      I did have good people who nicely helping me to edit some of my translations before but all of them stopped because time matters and being busy.

      I can’t ask them to follow my pace moreover people who helping me, they don’t get paid (this is volunteer job). Life is moving on…

    2. Thanks for the translation for the naive girl. But the question box is same for 453-457 but it only opened 453. Did I make a mistake since I couldnt open using the same answer?

  12. Hi Thanks for translating the book. I don’t mind the grammar and I can totally understand the stories. Enjoy the General wants to hug and sleep. Been reading it more than once ☺. looking forward for substitute Bride and naive girl. Thanks a bunch.

  13. Thanks for the Naive and Short-Tempered Girl–it was so good. I came here from mangapark after not being patient enough reading 9 pages in two months for that. I think despite you have lots of grammatical mistakes, I kind of like reading this rough translation- it just reminded me of Chinese drama and how they actually speak. And I am grateful you didn’t change the bao bei–in the manga they changed it into babe and it is so annoying to be called babe. From fanfiction I know it means treasure–so much much better than babe–I would really love to be called that. Again, thank you so much for the translation!!

  14. Hi. Thanks for translating the general. l9ves that story been reading it time and time again. I like reading chinese novel but can’t read chinese. having you translating this help me enormously. Big thanks.

  15. Hehe. I’m happy to stumble upon your site.
    I’ve (almost) read all your translations because I’m a fan of HE, hot and possesive guy also sweet and fluffy stories.
    I’m looking forward to Wolf Husband and Green Plum Wife… Seems similar to Black Bellied Husband which is one of my fave.
    Thank you for your dedication and hardwork!
    Really appreciate it especially from people who know no Chinese at all… (T^T)
    Btw, can you pls consider White Calculation by Big Grey Wolf as your next project? It seems funny and fluffy. Thank you.

    1. Hi there,
      Thank you for stopping and put comment ^-^
      Well, it’s not that I never considered about Big Grey Wolf’s series but I thought those series had taken by other translators and they also did good job.

  16. I’m really grateful to you for doing this. I know translating is not easy work to do knowing that chinese either english is your native language and I could say that you really great job. How I wish that I can also understand chinese language. XD

    When I had try to read the the general wants hug and sleep though the story was short but worth to read. So refreshing thanks again for sharing it.

    Looking more forward to your projects.

  17. I don’t want to read A Naive Tempered Girl because it’s not finished yet but when i started it OMG the story is freakin’ good…and for the nth time i don’t know which side am going to put my bet…i really wish Yu Ao Tian, Feng Chen Yi and Yao Yao will be still emotionally intact after all those encounters…but i have a soft for that mafia leader YAT….and the translation is good…i don’t mind the grammatical errors…and i really appreciate all the hardship of translating this novel/mangga…he he he he….and i will wait for other trans too..especially The CEO Pregnant WIfe…GOOD JOB…SO AWESOME..

  18. hey azurro I love your translations and that reading your translations always make my day and may I get summaries for substitute bride please? thanks and I hope that this year is going to be successful to u. ^-^

  19. Hello! Azzuro,
    I have created an email address only to request you that if you could pace up with the speed of translating “My Silly Girl (love after marriage).
    I quite relate my parents story with it and I want to know how much similar is it.
    So, it is my earnest request to you.
    Thank you.

  20. Thank you for your hardwork. Really appreciate it, love it so much. I read almost everything already (all the completed one and currently waiting patiently for naive short tempered girl, substitute bride, an introvert girls love, my silly girl) it was so awesome. Good job.

  21. Yo! Azurro.
    Thank you for your translations. You always pick really cute stories to translate, they give me a toothache.
    Well, I am reading “The Wolf Husband And Green Plum Wife” and I couldn’t log into chapter 15.3. Can you please give a solution to the problem, ASAP.

  22. Hi.. This is my first time reading your translation. may i know how to get password for some chapters that was locked?

  23. Oh wow.. thanks for translating it, im really grateful. And it seems that I also find out more interesting stories

  24. Hi azzuro, i really really live ur work… thank you so much for translating the CN for us…
    can I make a favor/request can u translate also the novel with the title of “HAOMEN TIANJIA QIANQI (The Expensive Ex wife of a wealthy Family)” please…
    I hope you can grant may wish… thank in advance.

  25. I have read to be love exclusively by you, the general, substitute bride, the CEO pregnant wife and anstg… I always know that i love happy end story but i just notice that i also love strong female lead…
    Of all that i read i love CEO pregnant wife most… Anstg i love it too but since its not completed yet i cant say for sure of i totaly love it.
    Thanks for your hard work translating for us.
    I feel really guilty coz i read all of those in less than 2 weeks time lol.
    Too good to stop reading lol.
    Thanks so much for azzuro n all teams.

  26. I have finished reading all your completed translation.
    The general wants to hug and sleep love it… Story is about a lonely strong general whom fall head over heels to a plump ordinary woman. Lovely story…
    Husband is great black Belly… Story is a bit dragging i think.
    Its about an innocent first love… More like diary style.. Its a bit boring for me cause it talks so much about the female lead feeling and its too detailed on explaining each character.
    Substitute bride is also so so…
    Its start quite strong… But from the middle it get weird because new character. Plot to be for sequel story (maybe) but it makes the story weird. I also don’t like the cheerful female lead become cry baby.
    The CEO pregnant wife…
    Awesome… Story not so long but full of life… About a handsome Perfect man and a ‘suppose to be’ normal lady … Highlighting everyone have their dark spot some can be very unimaginable… Love the strong female lead and also the male lead.
    Introvert girl.. so so
    Its about an introvert girl bring bullied and a teacher whom tried to help her… Just no hint when the teacher fallen for her despite too
    too much explanation on each character. It makes me confused on which is the highlight of the story.
    Sorry these are just my thought.
    Overall i am trully grateful for your translation but since i am not patience enough for the rest i Will wait until its completed before i start to read them.
    I know your hard work because i myself try to learn Chinese language but kept failing. To me it is a difficult language to comprehend.

    Thanks so much.

  27. Hi Azurro. ANSTG Chapter 303 page is not found. I found an error when I tried to open the link. Please fix it. I’m looking forward to read it. Thank you.

  28. Hi Azurro! Thanks for all your translations, it was really nice reading them! I like them so much I would love to share them with a French audience. Would you mind if we translated The General Wants to Hug and Sleep on into French? Where should I contact you please?

    1. Hi Littleangele,

      Glad to hear that you like my translation works!
      To be honest, I won’t encourage you to use the translation from my English version of The General Wants to Hug and Sleep because I realized there are still many corrections should be made by me (as you can see, I still on process fixing it).

      1. Thank you for your answer!
        It’s no problem for us, we can adapt since we are used to the various Chinese into English translations that exist, and do know some Chinese. 🙂

  29. Hi, azurro thanks for your hard works, you make my day full with excitement. Can’t wait to read every chapter 😊

  30. The Wolf Husband And Green Plum Wife Chapter 29.1 The Password Does Not Work. I Am Sorry For The Distrubance.

  31. Azurro, sorry, but I have problems with reading chapters 444.2 of a naive short tempered girl and the next ones. The password is not accepted and I already tried in many ways. Supposedly It’s the name of the younger sister and Yu Ao Tian’s real name but I can’t read the posts. Please, Help 😥

  32. Hi there! Thank you so much for translating all the webnovels. You are very hard working.

    I have been reading Substitute Bride and from 130 it’s password protected. Can I know the password?

    Also, is there any chance to get the news of the release of others novels in any social media ( or maybe discord)?

    It would be a great help to know. 😊😊

      1. Thank you for replying! I did go to the index section, but still same result. It says that the page cannot be found.🤔

      1. Azurro, may i know your email. i would like to know the password for chapter 547.2 – 551 too!

  33. Hi Azurro, I tried the answer for ANSTG 464 but none of it is working. Can you please provide a hint? Is it the Chinese LB or English DH? Thanks for not giving up translating this novel!

  34. Sis azzurro, did you translate the novel, I don’t know the title, but the male and female characters are named beiming ye and ming ke, can you tell me what the title of the novel is??

      1. the author of the novel is nian hua re xiao.. i have a hard time finding the title of the novel..

      2. If I don’t make a mistake, the novel will be made into a comic entitled Embrace My Shadow

  35. can sis azzurro translate this novel?

    Beloved by famous families: Emperor Shao’s darling of hundreds of billions

  36. Hi Azurro. Finally ANSTG is finally over. Thanks for your hard work. I plan to read Chapter 547.2 – 551 (Bonus Chapter) It’s okay not to be okay. I still don’t have an answer for this quiz. Please give me your email address so I can ask for the password.
    Thanks Azurro.

    My email:

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