Beauty · Experience · Recipe

Happy Salad

I get idea to write down one of my favorite food when I was in process to reduce fat on my body 🙂

Happy salad that how my sis named it for me. It taste good and of course healthy and good for those who are dieting now.

let’s started it.

ingredients: apple, orange, lemon, kiwi fruit, olive oil

how to make it:

1. chopped the apple and kiwi in dice size (as desired)

2. Squeeze the orange and lemon, take the juice and mixed it in bowl together with the chopped apple and kiwi fruit. Then, put the bowl in refrigerator for 20 minutes and last pour the olive oil and mix it.

I have eat this salad for more than six months when dieting to get my ideal weight (90 pounds) and it works.

Please note: I get my ideal weight isn’t instant. I work hard for it especially, to control my self, avoid junk food and fast food. I never trust there is any instant way to loss weight in a week, even surgery need time about three months for recovery.

I still believe there is no ugly women, ladies, and girls in this world. It only exist lazy women, ladies, and girls. I have go through and I believe you guys can make it too.



One thought on “Happy Salad

  1. Thanks for sharing this… i m gonna try this 😀
    I and my friend are trying to lose weight now…
    but we still dont know how to avoid junk food yet…

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