
Health: Pilates and Yoga

what’s up!

I am fall in love with new health activity, yeah from the title you are guess right, Pilates.

I get interested with pilates after watching some videos from Cassie Ho in youtube channel, blogilates. long ago, I like yoga so much because it’s health benefit for the inner and outer. Yoga movement which I practice is far from complicated ones. it really simple and give good impact for my mind, body and health.

my favorite yoga pose is tree pose and I do like the meditation section too in yoga. chair pose is the most difficult ones, I think may because I am so fat so my feet can’t bend too long even in 3 seconds I feel it hurt enough.

then, I make a try out for pilates and I like it so much now. Thanks to cassie ho who teaches many simple and fun pilates movement even some I can’t do it.

I think pilates and yoga just same but to be honest both of yoga and pilates is different but both of them really help to sharpen mind and of course burn calorie. according to me after doing both yoga and pilates, I think pilates makes me burn more calories than yoga but yoga makes my concentration more focus.

my conclusion, both of pilates and yoga are really good for health improvement and if you do n’t like to go to gym or don’t have much time, 10 minutes yoga or pilates enough to make your body refresh.

to make clear let me provide you the benefit both yoga and pilates offer (I take all the information from many resources)


yoga is physical, mental and spiritual practice which original comes from India. it focus more to religious aspect in order to attain peaceful mind and well being. yoga is practice for the Buddhism, hindu and others which the original purpose is designed for religious rituals.

most of time, yoga emphasize in focus mind which we called as meditation practice. the main purpose is to set ones to free, it means to let the practisioner feel free and able to manage stress or depression which sometimes may cause death. this is in my opinion, for me pratising yoga just makes me able to manage my emotions, stress and it good for my respiratory or


Pilates is physical fitness that found by J. pilates.

the benefit and purpose of pilates are body conditioning that may help flexibility, muscular strength and of course burn calories. I sweat lots every time I have my pilates class. even the simple gestures may makes the fat cry out lout. 哈哈哈哈哈

if you want to know more about pilates, you may visit cassie in her blog,

thank you to visit my blog and I hope it informative

have a nice day 🙂

Touch the heart by words