
Comic Ehipassiko Collection : BimbaDewi

I like so much Ehipassiko Comic collection, it so colorful and fill with moral teaching. I would like to review one of my favorite story. it title BimbaDewi.

“This girl would be your partner in effort of you to realization Bodhi, on your last reincarnation, she would be your student as the highest powerful Araha” Apadana ii 587

BimbaDewi story or I would like to call her as Yasodara Princess, wife of Prince Siddharta Gautama and the mother of prince Rahula.

This comic story telling about the past life of Bimbadewi or Princess Yasodara in many life times. her good kamma lead her to be the partner of Prince Siddharta Gautama who later on became Buddha, the teacher of all living being, the deities, the ghosts, humans, animals and realms.

Bimba Dewi is the fifth comic collection from Ehippasiko publisher.

The story begin from Bimbadewi who heard about Buddha Dipangkara coming to the town, she wanted to join others to do Mahadana (great gift or great charity), on her way she met sumedha who later on in his future life called as Gautama.

sumedha has strong willingness to become Buddha just as Buddha Dipangkara (that present time Buddha before Gautama became Buddha). on His vision, Buddha Dipangkara seen that one day in many many life time, sumedha would be Buddha and Bimbadewi (Yasodara) would be his partner to realization the Bodhi by perfecting the Parami.

In Bimbadewi story, it also tell us the later people whom would come to be Gautama’s students : Chana and Ananda.

what I like about Bimbadewi comic :
-the colorful pictures
-the simple story telling about Bimbadewi
-the fate of Siddharta Gautama and Yasodara in many lifetimes
-The future students of Siddharta who would join Sangha

the picture might not as beautiful or eye-catching like Japanese mangas but this comic book never makes me boring even I read it couples times. since I like this comic book so much, I trying to understand what information it contain, I tend to re-read it.

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