
Why Yoga (ョーガ/요가)

In this post I like to share why I like yoga so much and what kind of benefit that I feel after practicing yoga for sometime.

Yoga is origin from India, a practice that effect the physic, mind and soul.

Get Introduced to Yoga
I was introduced to Yoga when I was doing meditation treatment to reduce my stress and things that really burden to my mind. As Buddhism, I know meditation method since I was a student (religion subject always has meditation) in school. But it wasn’t the starting point when I really looked deeper for meditation.

Being fat for almost my life (It could be say so), being diagnosed and warned by doctor about the health risk for the obesity people and many more. It was big starting point to transform myself, my life, my habit, lifestyle.

Having simple exercises such as walking and running one hour every day was something like asking my life because it tired me so much. Even, doing it by interval 5 min and rest 1 min for one hour, I really felt, better they killed me than asking me doing such “killing exercise” (that I thought before).

So, I was introduced to many types of exercises, in that way I might not boring and still could stick to the plan (made by mom and through doctor consultation). After joining many classes such as aerobic, zumba, dancing, etc. I fall in love with Yoga because it share similarity with meditation plus the extra benefit in which simple movement could reduce fats.

Others exercise also gives even better benefit in reducing weight but Yoga just different because doing yoga, my mind feel peace. The movement is easy to follow because it starts really slow.
my very first movement was standing straight and doing breathing practice which very similar like doing meditation in standing position.

What benefit I get after practicing Yoga?
From health issue, I feel my body stronger and I don’t need to consume so many pills such as vitamins, supplements or kind of medicine to improve my health.
I could reduce and maintain my weight without doing harsh and tough exercise (even I also doing treadmill and cycling).
Peaceful in mind
I feel healthier inside and outside me. I think more positive and better in controlling emotions. some minor ache decreasing such as : headache, the menstruation period ache, sleep better, etc.
It affect my mood so much in very positive way even my attitude toward stress becomes so manageable (dealing good with stress).


Touch the heart by words