Beauty · Interest

Makeup and Skincare, which side am I?


For this time I have spotted, most of beauty blogger are focusing their contains about doing makeup tutorial or reviewing makeup products such as foundation, lipsticks, eyebrows, eyeliners, etc. And some time they are also doing skincare makeup. If you followed my blog, you will find out that I am extremely rare to do makeup product review and most even 90% are likely to be skincare.

My reason so simple because I don’t really good at doing makeup so I afraid my content won’t give any help and at same time, I don’t makeup everyday, most of time, I am bare face when going out, even when I go to work and only do super minimalist makeup (bb/cc cream + eyeliner + liptint) when I attending an event or party.

I just prefer skincare to makeup, so all you know that which side I am LOLS

Honestly I have another reason why I fond on skincare more than makeup products which actually makeup product are offered much options from the product itself to the colors, there will be more thing to explore with makeup product rather than skincare products. But, I don’t like to layer my face with makeup, it’s not that I am so confident with my skin but actually, I afraid with the different between after and before makeup-ing. I have witnessed the power of makeup beautified someone looks, it really worked alike magic but once the makeup removed, boom, one look may change drastically.

Moreover, skincare is promising longer term ‘beauty’ look than makeup although it can work so slow but sure XD XD XD

And I realized once someone go into makeup, this thingy, some cannot leave it anymore. Addiction? nah, it more alike depended, something you must have or else you feel something off or missing.

So what is your opinion? Makeup or Skincare?

14 thoughts on “Makeup and Skincare, which side am I?

      1. Nope. Just uncomfortable with the thing called makeup. Makes me feel weird and eventually starts itching. I can count on my fingers how many times I used makeup. 😀

  1. Off course skincare, have a healthy skin can make ur makeup look more flawless and no need thick makeup ☺️

  2. I’m the in between. Skincare is important, but makeup helped highlighted or hide some things like eyebags, a pimple or two,etc. (Nothing too drastic that needs constant application of makeup)

  3. Skincare is d most important for me..with a touch of make-up can brighten our look. Definitely cannot live without skincare.

  4. I have sensitive skin and very oily skin and a lot of the product that they have out there either makes my skin to dry or makes it even more oily. Anything you can recommend???

    1. You may change your cleanser as the first step.
      If currently you have dry skin, I would like to recommend something has aloe or avocado.
      If you have oily skin, just stay away from tea tree or green tea ingredient (I know this sound weird but from my experience, it can cause pimple for oily skin)

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