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C-Novel: A Naive Short-tempered Girl (纯情丫头火辣辣) 581.2

Chapter 581

Part 2 (Two)

Lan Duo With Them


© 2020 Azurro azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated for azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Move To Feng Family…

That time when first time she came to Feng family, the biggest impression that she had…

Feng Family Second Young Master, Feng Chen Yi was someone who had such indifferent from the other Feng Family’s member. Everyone was gathering alike a real family, but it was only Feng Chen Yi who seemed couldn’t ‘assimilate’ well into Feng Family.

“My Royal Highness Lan Duo,my daughter just went to France joining the student exchange program, so that I can’t ask her to play with you at this moment.”

“It is okay. Lan Ni Pei Royal Member* I just going to stay here for short time.”
Lan Duo addressed 亲王 which mean someone who related to Royal Family and yet powerless in Ya Si Lan country.

“It’s okay. It’s okay.” From aside, as seen Feng Xiao quickly pulling Feng Chen Yi who has been standing for sometime, while his face looked so cold and unfriendly: “The Royal Highness  Lan Duo, this is my second son, Feng Chen Yi. Chen Yi ah, these few days you should accompany Little Sister, playing with her, understand? Little Sister is coming from a far foreign country, then you should take good care of Little Sister.”

That year, Feng Chen Yi was only eight years old but he has already looked so handsome for boys at his age.

But didn’t know why, right the moment Lan Duo and Feng Chen Yi exchanged their eyesight, weighing and measuring each others, both of them could feel an obvious enmity vibes for each others.

Perhaps because that year Lan Duo’s characters were too aloft, arrogant, icy cold and hateful. As for Feng Chen Yi, he also type of person who owned these characters, aloft and cold but not as cruel and ruthless as Lan Duo. Therefore, when these two people who shared almost similar characters encountered, there was kind of reaction, which was…

Both of them were hating each others!

That day…

“Chen Yi! Since you have back from school, why don’t you stop and greet me! Really such impolite boy!”

Lan Duo just woke up not long from her nap, suddenly she has heard shouting and nagging voice coming from the living room. Thus, she walking out from her room and searching for the sound resources, she was standing in the second floor, while her hand was leaning on the handrail, coldly she saw Lan Ni Pei from above. Lan Ni Pei was scolding Feng Chen Yi, saying him this and that, something alike an impolite boy and many mores.

As for Feng Chen Yi, for the entire time he was standing still at his place while his eyes stared at Lan Ni Pei coldly. There was no trace of emotions on his expression such as anger or even scared, listening to Lan Ni Pei words.

It was strange, Lan Duo who has such icy cold as well merciless characters, just at that time, suddenly she could feel pity for Feng Chen Yi who, she didn’t even familiar with. Perhaps, it was because she has been living in the tough environment as well never had closed relationship with her family, she could see herself in Feng Chen Yi.

“Lan Ni Pei Royal Family!” Lan Duo coldly spoke from the second floor, she cut off Lan Ni Pei who was scolding Feng Chen Yi.

“My Royal Highness Lan Duo, aren’t you taking your nap?”

“Your voice is too loud. I don’t even have a peaceful nap because of you!” Lan Duo ‘whoosh’ ‘whoosh’ few steps, she rushed to the first floor: “You have known that I still having my nap and yet all of you such daring to wake me up with your loud voice!”

“Sorry. I am so sorry. My Royal Highness Lan Duo, it is Feng Chen Yi’s fault. I just said him with few words, who knew because of giving him a lesson, actually I have disturbed your rest.”

Lan Duo blinking her pair of big eyes, she was looking at Feng Chen Yi who showed his deadpan face.

“He is your son, he doesn’t know how to behave then it must be your fault as parent, why don’t you teach him!”

“My Royal Highness Lan Duo, I should correct you, he isn’t my son. His biological mother has already passed away.”

“What?” Lan Duo looked a bit surprised opened wide her eyes, without she really realized, she had already said: “No wonder, he doesn’t know how to place himself. No manner!”

These few words, she really unintentionally said it out, because since the first time she met Feng Chen Yi, the first impression that given by him, he was really so impolite toward her. At the time when everyone was talking so polite and respectfully with her, it was only Feng Chen Yi who standing coldly while staring at her.

But, that year Lan Duo was only four years old little girl, so that she didn’t know what kind of treatment that Feng Chen Yi endured while he was staying with Feng Family. She also didn’t know… the words that spoken by her unintentionally, it was actually hurt Feng Chen Yi so much!

An instantly, once he heard what Lan Duo said, it did rage Feng Chen Yi. He was throwing his school bad and then glared at Lan Duo with hateful eyesight before he left the living room.

Lan Duo even thought he was acting so ungrateful, she also felt be wronged by him. Because for Lan Duo, she was clearly trying to help Feng Chen Yi but who knew the reaction that showed by Feng Chen Yi was out of her expectation.

“Humph!” because of angry, she pissed off and returned to her own room and not coming out again.

Until the next day…

Lan Duo was alone sitting in the Feng family backyard garden, staring blankly. That pair of eyes without realized spotted a six years old little boy with his smiling face running into Feng family backyard garden.

Not long after that, the little boy was playing with Feng Chen Yi, both of them seemed to be enjoyed playing together and laughing together in the flower garden.

Their laughing and chatting sounds seemed to contagious Lan Duo.

She was sitting quietly not far from them, watching them playing. There was a strange impulsive feeling from inside her heart, that wanted to join them playing together. After all, since she born into this world, she never played with kids at her age. And regarding about the toys, not to mention about playing toys because she never seen it before.

Footsteps, she couldn’t help it, slowly she has already walked closer to them.

Due to her aloof character, Lan Duo didn’t know how to greet them, moreover she didn’t know how to ask them to play with her. So that, she only used her footsteps sound, waiting until them finding and realizing her coming.

“Chen Yi, Chen Yi, who is that little girl?” The 6 years old little boy realized Lan Duo coming, pair of his black jet ink eyes, particularly eye-catchy. This little boy actually the 14 years later of Hei Yan Long!

“Ignore her!” Feng Chen Yi coldly narrowed his eyes when staring at Lan Duo who didn’t far from them, toward the humiliating that he got from her yesterday, he still holding a grudge.

Lan Duo could hear clearly the words ‘ignore her’ that spoken by Feng Chen Yi, suddenly she curled her hand tight.

“E… Chen Yi, how about you call her to play together with us?”

At the moment when she heard Hei Yan Long said this, the anger that she had before gradually disappeared, she could feel calm a bit, moreover she felt touched.

Who knew…

“Then you play with her, I am leaving!” Feng Chen Yi stood up, preparing to leave.

Hei Yan Long hooked his arm in order to stop him: “I still like to play with you. I don’t like to play with girl.”

An instantaneously, the expecting sight in Lan Duo’s eyes changed to anger flame, she was dashing alike an arrow, stopping in front of Feng Chen Yi and Hei Yan Long : “Are both of you talking bad behind of me?”

Feng Chen Yi didn’t let out any voice, on contrary Hei Yan Long with his curled upward mouth, said: “Since you have called yourself as Royal Majesty? You must be watching too many animation, mustn’t you?”

“What are you talking? I am the next queen and also the future of Ya Si Lan country. After all you dare to say something like that to me!” After said, Lan Duo raised her hand, ‘slap’ she gave Hei Yan Long a hard slap on his face.

“Hey!” Hei Yan Long looked so angry, glaring at her: “No wonder Chen Yi hates you so much! A girl like you, you must not having any friend. You will be loner for your entire life!”

“Hah, I don’t need any friend!” Lan Duo embraced her hands, showing her disdained expression, coldly she glared two of them: “The status of people like you twos, because don’t have ‘proper status’ therefore need to have friend as companion. One is impolite and one is dummy!”

“If you have guts said it one more time!” Feng Chen Yi moved one step to her in front, suddenly he pulled Lan Duo’s collar shirt.

“What? You don’t dare to face it?”


“Get your hand off! You a commoner don’t have a right to touch me, this Royal Highness!” Lan Duo hit down Feng Chen Yi’s hand that pulled her collar shirt. Her cold eyes down, she swept her glance to the toys that still on the ground, with one step, she stepped the toys into pieces.

“Boring…” after she said this, she turned and then left.

Hei Yan Long seeing his toys on the ground which had turned into pieces, hateful he curled his hand: “Why is she so hateful?”

“This kind of girl, in the future whoever married her, that person must be miserable for his entire life!” Feng Chen Yi with his icy eyes staring at Lan Duo back that going further, turned to look at Hei Yan Long: “Are you face okay?”

“It’s okay. Chen Yi, I want to go home. When that hateful little devil gone, you call me, I will come to find you to play together again.”


A Naive Short Tempered Girl is posted and translated only for  Do not make a copy of the translations in pdf or any other distributable format! All forms of reproduction, redistribution, or reposting are not authorized. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been taken without permission of the translator.

6 thoughts on “C-Novel: A Naive Short-tempered Girl (纯情丫头火辣辣) 581.2

  1. thank you very much azzurro for the update, i love it😍

    yo chen yi you are consumed by your own words ahh … you make YY your wife and love in your life until the end ..😏

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