
Flower Language : Sun Flower

Anyone noticed that something change in my blog?
I have new header and background image, Sun Flower! Just like today post about flower language, the meaning of sun flower.

Personally, for me every flower just same, they are beauty and colorful. I never know if flower has their own language until I read book and find it as something really interesting to share and understand why some people like this and that flower.

“The loyalty, warmth and consistency”

General meaning for sun flower is loyal, warmth and consistency due to the flower character itself. If we see sun flower they always facing towards sun and they have tall stalk and warm color petals which “让人觉得温暖 (makes people feel warmth)”

The history of sunflower according to Wiki, it said that sun flower originated came from Mexico and spread to United states (well nothing need to surprised since they are neighbor). I won’t talk much about how sun flower might be everywhere today’s but just chat little how the Aztec made sunflower as symbol might interesting. The Aztec made sun flower as their solar deity (the sun of goddess)symbol as something powerful.

Sun flower has many positive characters such as loyalty, warmth and consistency but does anyone know the sun flower might mean the longing love (I’m waiting for you).

There is a reason why sun flower means the longing love because sunflower always facing towards the sun that no matter how tall it’s stalk it’s will never reach the sun.

My note:
If you are woman and a guy gives you sun flower it might means he has fall in love with you for long time but can’t express it. So he gives you sun flower or there a reason why he choose to give sunflower rather than confess.
but, as my experience most of men give rose to women (red rose just fame as it means I love You) and it seldom others type of flower except the favorite flower of the woman.

If your best friend give you sun flower when you have hard time it might means he/she will always be there to support and cherish you

Well, no matter whose give you sun flower, I believe they have something to tell you or something just can’t speak out. So, “that someone” just give sun flower.
Do I too sensitive about the flower? ahhahahaha


Touch the heart by words