
陈翔 Sean Chen Xiang

Sean chen xiang is one my new favorit talent after watching runaway sweetheart (落跑甜心). in order to satisfied myself, I make this post, hehehehehehe

I had made many surf and browse through internet for obtaining chen xiang information. so far, he did two mini series and his new project will be sequel of bu bu jing xin. I should admit even chen xiang didn’t win in singing competition but he really famous compare to the winner, li wei.

chen xiang has a soft and calming voice that makes the listener feel so comfortable and relax ( at least that how I feel every time I hear his voice ). my favorit song of chen xiang is 承诺cheng nuo or promise which is one of runaway sweet heart insert song.

beside singing, chen xiang really good in acting at least, again for me, every project his made were watchable. I do find chen xiang has similarity with Lee jun ki, korean actor and singer. their eyes, face shape and everything, ahahahahaha

so far, I had watched secret angel (秘密天使), love templation , run away sweet heart (落跑甜心), summer miniseries. I like chen xiang in run away sweet heart and summer because he did’nt wear many make up. most of time, I feel to watch his bare face in run away sweet heart.

I am looking for his drama together with liu shi shi, nicky wu, and others cast in bu bu jing qing, the sequel of bu bu jing xin. as mention in other post, chenxiang will play as huang di, I think huang di refer to the ex boyfriend of zhang xiao (liu shi shi).

Recently, I watched many mainland drama and found many actors and actress as my new favorite. long ago, I do only know Yang mi, feng shao feng, guo zhen ni, mickey, yuan hong, etc. but, today there are lot of newbie who are really mesmerizing such as zhao li ying, chen xiang, xu jia wei, etc.

I hope to watch many many many new things from sean chen xiang whether his music or acting or hosting. I hope the best for his career.

so there is the end of my post about chen xiang =)












Touch the heart by words