
慈悲 : vegetarian lifestyle as option

Today, one of my parent’s friend came to my house. he gave my mom a fish, it still alive but the condition is so pitiful. it fin has been cut down and I saw there was a scratch about 5 cm on the body.

a friend of my parent gave us the fish for consume. he said cook fresh is more delicious. I asked my mom, will we really kill the fish and eat it? at first sight, when I saw mom put the fish into a bucket, I feel so sad at the moment. I am not used to be kind of this person, be so melancholic.

years ago, I was meat eater. I did eat fish, chicken, pork and etc. but, since I know tzu chi, I tried hard to change my eat pattern and lifestyle.

I told my mom not to kill the fish and cook it as our dish. I asked her to keep the fish alive by putting it in my grand ma’s fish pond.


I really hope the fish stay alive because it has right.

what happen today, just ensure me, being vegetarian is the right decision I made. I won’t look back or craving for meat or any food that comes from animal.

as vegetarian, I grow much love, compassion and mercy. through this post, I really want to promote vege lifestyle. avoid eat meat or become meatless not only to grow positive emotions but it also for the sake own health.

human being won’t die or lack of nutrision if we don’t consume meat. could you imaging, if you are cow, fish, chicken, pig, etc. you being grow to be food. it really horrible.

killing animals just to satisfy our taste and desire are kind of cruel action. beside from religious point of view, meat also not good for health.

please support me by eat more vegetable and fruit. stay away from meat or at least try to have healthy eating pattern and growing more mercy.



Touch the heart by words