
结婚好吗? Marry or Not

Jie hun hao ma? or marry or not.

My today post is about Marriage. The post itself based on Taiwanese drama title which recently I watched and currently airing.

In here, I am not gonna talk about the drama but Marriage life in my perspective as single person and girl. To be honest, most of people I knew and have average age with me, they are married even have children.

Marriage life is one another of human life stage after finished school, having good job and dating. As girl  I do wish having my own marriage life, my dream marriage ceremony but when it comes to serious talk about marriage, my body shake lots.

Marriage is different with dating because when we dating it only involve two individual and marriage is about two family. I am disagree with those say marriage is two person matter and abadon about each family opinion.

Marriage life is not enough if only Love exist but beyond of it, marriage is tolerance, understanding, trust, commitment and so on as basic foundation. to be honest, dating is more comfortable for me compare to marriage. when talking about dating, it much simple because when two person love each other, it settle. if there is no love, break up when dating easier compare to marriage, out of the legal issues.

Lots of consideration when talking about marriage life. we should consider about our partner family feeling such as, does mother in law likes me or not (especially of you who are woman), how my in law thinking about me?, then how my parent think about my other half?, how does my sibling interaction and thinking about my other half? then not really important but I still need to think about my friends and other half’s friends.

when these things are come out, Marriage life is a big question. it looks that I worry so much but I just could not stop to think about it since it related to my future family, my current family and my in law family.



I love to hear from you what do you think marriage life is…




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