
Aishiteruze Baby AKA I Love You, Baby

Manga or Japanese comic never fail to lure me. I like to read manga and watch anime. I have many reason why I like manga especially from Japan compare to others such as Chinese, Korean or American.

Aishiteruze Baby or I love you, baby is one touching manga/anime, out from some “improperiety scene”. My favorite character is Yuzuyu, 5 years old little girl who left by her mom due to the inability to nurture because the death of her husband (yuzuyu’s dad).

As usual, Japanese manga is so kawaiii from the drawing. Yuzuyu character is so adorable and cute. Beside Yuzuyu, there are some character which I like such as the cool kokoro who looks so strong from outside but she is so vulnerable inside, playboy and warm keppei, etc.

for synopsis, please refer to wikipedia.

My thought after read the manga and watched the anime, it enlightened me and give me new perception in understanding kids. Children is one of the most sensitive and could be the easiest target to be victim.

My first intention to read and watch because the kawaiii drawing and after went through pages to pages and episodes to episodes, I found aishiteruze baby has an educative story plot and entertain. Yuzuyu is pity at the first place because right after her dad passed away, her mom left her with relative. although, yuzuyu seems to be pity but she could maintain her happy personality and bright smile by holding belief, one day her mom will back to get her.

Then, keppei a teenager who is 17 years old, has obligation to be yuzuyu guardian since she arrived at his home. playboy and playful young man who no clue with his study and seems living without worries, suddenly take care 5 years old little girl. in process, keppei learn to be maturer and better in understanding about yuzuyu who only a little kid. keppei tries his best to be mom for yuzuyu.

This manga/anime makes me realized as parent and adult, sometime we are make simple things be complicated. children and kids won’t say or very difficult to say or communicate what they want and feel, that’s why as parent and adult, we need to be sharper in observing them.

There some heart-breaking and tearing scene. one of scene that makes me cried was a little boy named shouta who become victim of his mom violent behavior. parent might have their own problems but it really unwise if they tried to find blacksheep especially blaming kids for their condition.

Shouta’s mom is kind short temper lady who is easy hit and yell at shouta for no reason. she finds life as parent is tough and makes shouta as her blacksheep, blaming because of the little boy was problem. shouta body has so many bruises because of her mom violence behavior.

Keppei tries to butt in business when shouta mom hit shouta. last, I just feel pity with shouta mom even there really no excuse for hitting shouta. children don’t really need much as long as there is affection and love from parent. sometimes children might maturer than adult because they just more sensitive to the environment and surrounded.

This manga/anime really one of good story plot.


Touch the heart by words