Experience · Interest

Before & After : Diet and Exercise

If you ever read about my previous post (loss weight-bitter experience)

You should know how hard during that time.
Before, I always think Diet and Exercising are stupid thing to do. I thought, if there was not environment and my health issue, I might still stay as fat girl.

Before I being introduced about diet and exercise, I was junkies and fatty who didn’t know that I might suffer for serious ill if I didn’t stop those unhealthy life style.

Life being so cruel and discriminative for fatty girl. not to mention about applying job but even in school, the fatty, most of time be victim of bullying.

Diet and exercising were hard and painful on process since how could you expect meat-eater to only eat vege and fruit for whole time and exercising everyday like crazy, just for losing weight and improving health.

But today me, Diet and exercising being part of my life style. maybe it because those years, I was trained and it become habit now.

After going through and experienced strict diet and exercising, I become love myself more and more. Diet isn’t so scary like I thought but I do really enjoy it now. I am love veggies and fruit.

I like to move my body because it feel so good when you have lighter body and I able to walk for such long time.

My favorite exercising is Yoga beside running and jumping.

My favorite beverage is Green tea (things I never expect to fall in love since it kind bitter taste) but if today you ask me to make a choice between coke and green tea. the answer is clearly GREEN TEA

Diet and exercising are option. No one really can teach you how to do it but people just can show you the “proper” diet plan and exercising. it still up to the individual to think about it, to choose, and to do.

Do all the things from the bottom of heart and good luck ^_^


Touch the heart by words