
Novel : Love Hate and Hocus-Pocus


Love, Hate & Hocus-Pokus is novel written by Indonesian author named Karla M. Nashar.

Karla M Nashar is one of famous Novelist in Indonesia, she had wrote so many books aiming the teenager and adult. Even she famous, I did only read Love, Hate & Hocus-Pokus which she wrote past few years ago.

Hate at first sight, it is perfect definition to describe Troy Mardian and Gadis Parasayu relationship. They are dynamic working partner – as dynamic their enmity relationship.
According to Gadis, Troy Mardian is a perfect example of human who forget where he come from. clearly he is an Indonesian but he behave as if he is foreigner. He colored his hair, speaking in English, using branded things and maintaining metro-sexual image only to be called as The Most Eligible Bachelor in Indonesia.

While according to Troy, Gadis Parasayu is the most ridiculous name he ever heard. In America where Troy grew up, there is no parent who is enough crazy to name their kids as Beautiful Face Girl. Narcissism! fine, She might has exotic face with JLO body shape, but she really loves to use local brand.
(in Indonesia, Gadis means girl and Parasayu means beautiful face)
The only similarity between them, both of them are not believe in things such as hocus-pokus, astrology, fortune-telling or whatever it is.

so, what is going to happen when they woke up in one sunny sunday morning, finding themselves sleeping in the same bed and in naked condition, just alike Adam and Eve when they being kicked from Firdaus— naked, plus wedding ring on their finger and blurring memory about 13 days ago marriage party?

5 thoughts on “Novel : Love Hate and Hocus-Pocus

  1. Menurut aku sih masih readable.
    kalo novelist Indonesia, aku dulunya suka karya Agnes Jessica tetapi sejak dia ngeluarin serial yg agak “religius” merah-kuning-hijau-jingga,dsb itu. aku udah ngak baca. tp, karya sebelumnya seperti dongeng sebelum tidur, maharani, sepatu kaca menurut aku tuh cukup bagus.
    penulis lain seperti Iliana Tan juga karyanya termasuk bagus (apalagi serial 4 roman seasons)

  2. dah lama banget kagak baca novel2 , dulu yg dibeli harlequin doang sm komik padahal dah tuir nih msh demen komik:) plg ke Jkt nanti mau beli komik nih pgn beli koleksi topeng kaca

      1. eh bukannya wkt itu ci2 lht di gramed apa dimana jual yg edisi baru dia bikin edisi yg sampulnya biasa sm yg bagus , sebenernya ci2 py sih dulu adik beli sm temennya second hand deh .

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