
I’m Older by One Year Again ;P

Happy Birthday to myself!




Can’t believe I am getting old by another year again. I really grateful that I still alive until today, having my N times birthday celebration and of course, Thank to Mom and Dad who bring me into this world, be my first teacher and my beloved siblings 🙂

Close friends that always be there for me 😀


Get older by another years, I hope to be maturer.
Grow up to be someone braver, compassionate
Dare to dream, dare to fail, dare to pursue.

Thank you for there for me, thank you for accompany me 🙂

I hope everyone can feel my happiness, sharing my happiness.


63 thoughts on “I’m Older by One Year Again ;P

  1. Make sure you eat noodle for long life. Happy birthday. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

      1. Oh~
        I don’t know. I thought Clover only in Medan 😛
        Yes. my birthday cake was bought from Clover. they have very light texture cream compare to others bakery.
        But still home-made ones is the best 😀

  2. WOW…. It’s my birthday too…it feels really good to wish another person on my birthday….So Happy Birthday , dear…

  3. Happy birthday dear Azzuro……wishing you all the best in life …good luck and good fortune always…..😊😍😍

  4. Hopefully i am not too late to wish you happy birthday. May God bless you all the way in your life. Hope you had a wonderful day and the new year bring you more success and happiness

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