Interest · Novel · Translation

C-Novel: A Naive Short-tempered Girl (纯情丫头火辣辣) 639

Chapter 639

Must success

© 2021 Azurro azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated for azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com. If you are not reading this from azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

At the first glance, this woman modest and knowing her place, then she also a smart person. Well, not bad, she has gotten one smart person as aide, a friend, this better than having stupid fellow.

There famous words, not afraid to have smart people as enemy just afraid to have stupid teammates.

Staying at here, having Fang Jing Yi as her aide, she felt everything sounded fine just, she bit hesitated would her words could be believed or not.

“Miss Luo, Miss Luo.” At this time, one of the maid looked in hurry, walking over.

Yao Yao and Fang Jing Yi were turning their head at the same time.

That maid was greeting them politely: “Miss Luo, Master is asking you to go to his place to have a lunch.”

“Okay. I know it.” Yao Yao turned, she smiled to Fang Jing Yi : “Let’s us go together.”

Fang Jing Yi shook her head: “I am not invited by Master, if I come by myself, I must have angered Master. Yao Yao, I am feeling so happy because you have thought about me.”

“Oh…” Yao Yao thought for while: “You tell Master that I am not going to have lunch with him.”

“What?” That maid looked so surprised, stood still for seconds.

As seen Fang Jing Yi who was still standing at beside, quickly she pulled Yao Yao closed to her: “Yao Yao, all of us can see that Master indeed treating you so well. But, Master is type unpredictable person. When he treating you well, he can pamper you to high, but, if you are refusing him or perhaps you anger him, he can be the person who directly sending you to hell.”

The moment when Fang Jing Yi said this, her expression was strangely looked so serious.

Lan You indeed has such unpredictable characters. When he is in good mood, he really can be so perfect person without flaws. But once his violence character shown, he could act so extreme. One of the most extreme thing that Yao Yao witnessed was that time when he cut those men arms.

“Thank you, Jing Yi.”

“Hahahaha, it should be me who thanked you. It is not that I can’t see the reason why you are refusing to have lunch with him. It is because you are considering my feeling. In the past, perhaps I may feel angry and even rant about you. But now, I am not. You are always thinking about me, at the same time, I will do the same too. Doing this, we are really friend, aren’t we?”

Fang Jing Yi smiled faintly, at this moment, her eyes seemed to have radiating a beautiful gleam.

It could be seen, she must have accepted Yao Yao as her friend.

“En, you are right. We are friend. Jing Yi, then I take my leave first.”


Yao Yao was following that maid, entered Lan You’s palace.

It was a long European style table, Lan You was sitting on the Master’s seat. When he saw Yao Yao coming, his mouth curved upward showing his faint smile: “My Dear, how’s your night yesterday?”

“I had good sleep.” She was pulling out the chair, sitting beside him: “What time did you come back yesterday?”

“I left right the moment you left the party hall.” That poisonous pair of eyes staring at Yao Yao, one of his hand was supporting his chin, still showing his smiling face.

But seeing him, Yao Yao was alike someone who got an acupuncture point on her body, dumbfounded she stayed at her place.

If yesterday he really left the place after she, but she was lost on the way she back to her room, then it could be…

Thump thump suddenly her heart beating so fast. Yao Yao was pretending to be natural, smiled: “When I back to my room, you should have returned to your room.”


Shit! I am in troubled. Lan You must have known that she had come to his study room.

Wait, yesterday she was moving through the window, this man shouldn’t be founded about it, right?

“When you arrived, I did hear footsteps. I had thought, you have gone before me, how could you arrived later than me yesterday?”

Seeing how casual Lan You has conversation with her, Yao Yao could see there was no anger trace on his face or perhaps there were some traces which she didn’t notice?

It seemed that Lan You hasn’t founded that she stole the Nano SD Card.

No matter what, either he knew it or not, once the Nano SD Card sent out, once he exposed her, she not afraid.

“Ah, you mention it. You have such huge palace, yesterday when I was on my way back to my room, I was getting lost.”

“Oh.” Lan You took fork and knife, he was cutting the steak on his plate: “No wonder that I did hear my guards reported to me that you did come to the prison.”

That’s right. She did came across to the prison when she got lost, she was clearly could hear there was a woman crying sound at there.

“Tell me, is there a woman, you put into your prison?”

Lan You elegantly cutting his steak, then he tasted his steak, with his devilish smile he nodded: “My Dear, you are so smart.”

Holy moly! was it true, Lan You really has prison a woman.

Not long ago, she did hear Jing Yi said, when Lan You felt boring with those women, he would send them out from Sky City, could it be, some of them were prison inside there? How can this man so weirdo?

“What mistake that she done so that you put her into a prison?”

“She, she stole my thing.”

The fork and knife on Yao Yao’s hand let out such uncomfortable sharp sound because it jolted the plate.

As seen, Lan You was putting down his fork and knife, pulled Yao Yao’s hand: “You must have frightened. Rest assure, as long as you are staying at my side, I won’t do it to you.”

That pair of eyes met Lan You mesmerizing pair of eyes, his smiling face really fascinating. It was clearly he smiling but somewhat she could feel there was a chill from his eyes that gave her a tremble vibes.

She really didn’t understand Lan You, he unreadable. His words always give kind of vibes, everything he pointed out as if unintentional to be spoken but directly hit the fact, most of the time.

“Lan You, you must know that impossible for me to stay by yourself forever.” The hand that held by him, drew back. Yao Yao expression changed to be cold.

An instantly, the quiet dining hall wrapped with strange atmosphere, it changed. The smiling face on Lan You’s face gradually turned to be cold.

“Master.” One of the maid suddenly came in.

Thar pair of eyes turned, coldly he said: “What’s matter?”

“Vice governor Xiao wants to see you.”

Vice governor Xiao, could it be he coming to ask for the ‘edict (pronouncement letter)’ so he could go out from Sky City. Yao Yao was suppressing her excitement pretending as if nothing related to her, faintly said: “Should I take my leave?”

“No need. Call Vice governor Xiao to come in.”


Vice Governor Xiao was coming in after the maid leaded him to dining hall. Noticing that Yao Yao was also there, politely he nodded his head to her, then smiled to Lan You: “Master, I need to go to China, need your ‘edict (pronouncement letter)’.”

“You are going to China, Vice governor Xiao? As I know, everything that you have in China, didn’t you arrange it before? Why suddenly you go to China?”

“Thing is like this, something happened to my wife in China so that she was asking me to go there.” Vice Governor Xiao was speaking in difficult.

Lan You expressionlessly nodding his head: “So it is.”

Hah, it seemed all gone smoothly.

Vice governor Xiao must know, as long as Vice Governor Xiao could leave, she believed soon or later she would be able to leave this place.

At this moment, Yao Yao couldn’t describe the excitement inside her heart. She afraid the mood changing on herself founded by Lan You, quickly she put down her fork as well knife, pair of her hand put under the table, her hands were shaking.

Who knew…

“My Dear, you say, should I let Vice Governor Xiao to leave or not?” Strangely, after all Lan You let Yao Yao to make the decision.

Vice Governor Xiao dumbfounded.

Yao Yao also dumbfounded at her place, then why suddenly Lan You let her to do the decision, either he was intentionally or unintentionally?

Or perhaps she was feeling guilty, she just thought to much perhaps he just teasing her.


No matter what the reason why suddenly Lan You threw this question, Yao Yao answer to let Vice Governor Xiao to leave is something not acceptable. But if she didn’t let the Vice Governor Xiao to leave, her pretentious was too obvious.

How should she give the answer.

Because she was too nervous, her breathing became heavier, Yao Yao kept on breathing through her mouth. She rolled her eyes, pretending to act as if she felt something strange happened: “You are the Master. Why do you need to ask my opinion. If you want him to go then you let him to be. If not then ask him to stay.”

“Aiya, aiya…Isn’t this because I saw he was greeting you first when he came in. I did think, perhaps both of you have something to do.”


The way Lan You said this sounded so casual but it enough to make Yao Yao felt restless inside her heart once she heard it.

This man has such wonderful observation ability, to speak frankly, he is one of the scariest man she ever met.

It true, when Vice Governor Xiao came in, he did nod his head to Yao Yao as greeting, it was only a casual gesture, but Lan You could easily see the hint which she not really paid attention.

“Last night during the party, I encountered Vice Governor Xiao. If you said that we have something then you may say so too. Right? Vice Governor Xiao.” Thing has come to this point, if Yao Yao and Vice Governor Xiao pretended for not knowing each other, then Lan You must have suspected them more.

“Yes. That’s right Master.”

“Oh, so it so.” Lan You’s eyes flashed, but still smiling: “Later, I will ask my people to send the ”edict (pronouncement letter)’ to your place.”

“Okay. I am troubling you, Master. Then, I am taking my leave now. Royal Highness Lan Duo, I take my leave.”

“Take care Vice Governor Xiao.” Yao Yao was trying to hide her excitement inside her heart. So that she was trying her best to act calm when Vice Governor bid his good bye.

Until Vice Governor left, she still didn’t believe everything that she experienced were true.

Hah, soon Yu Ao Tian would find out the fact that she was in Sky City, this is so good, really too good.

Her nose, at the moment she felt sour, in order not to let Lan You to find out, Yao Yao was busying eating mouthful, kept on eating mouthful. At the same time, she suppressed her excitement inside her heart and gradually calmed down.

A meal, it finally finished.Yao Yao wiped her mouth, standing up. “I am going back to my room.”

“Today I am going out, you are coming with me.”

Her eyes down…

Perhaps once vice governor Xiao got the permission letter then he would directly leave Sky City, if she is going out with Lan You at this time, then she really doesn’t know when she would come back. If she missed out this time, giving the Nano SD Card to the Vice Governor Xiao.

Perhaps, she can wait until Yu Ao Tian come to attack Sky City then she might give the Nano SD Card to him. But what if, Yu Ao Tian doesn’t have way to come to this Sky City, then the plan to drag Zeng Kai Rui might postpone.

This shouldn’t happen.

She cannot go.


“We are going to meet someone.”

Yao Yao was sitting on chair: “Someone important? Can I not go?”

Lan You smiled,one of his hand on the table, while the other one was supporting his chin: “Staying at your room, you may feel boring too, or could it be you have something to do?”

“What thing that I need to do, well since you have said, okay, I come with you.” Thing has spoken to this point, Yao Yao also didn’t have anything to do in her room, if she kept on avoiding him, then Lan You must feeling suspicious on her.

But what to do then…

“When will we go out?”

“Now.” Lan You said at the same time he has already stood up, going to leave.

“I can go out right now. You wait me for half hour. I am going to change my clothes.” She pulled her long dress sleep wears: “I can’t go out wearing this clothes, okay?”

“Fine. I am waiting you in the gate city.”

“Okay.” After she set the time with Lan You, Yao Yao quickly rushing to her room.

She was taking out the Nano SD Card from her drawer, panic she looking for exquisite porcelain stuff, then she put the Nano SD Card inside it. Then she put the porcelain inside wooden box.

“Yao Yao, Yao Yao.”

Outside her room, there was Fang Jing Yi sound.

Quickly Yao Yao rushed to her window: “Jing Yi, you wait for me.”

She opened her wardrobe, she took any clothes randomly and then quickly she changed her clothes. She even looked so hurrying run heading outside.

“Yao Yao, I heard that you are looking for me from the maid. What can I do for you?”

That’s right. On the way when Yao Yao returned to her room, she did ask one of the maids to call Fang Jing Yi to come over. “Oh, I have something important, I need your help.”

“What’s matter?”

“I have something to do with Master. We are going out soon. There is a thing that I want you to help me, hand it over to the Vice Governor Xiao.” Yao Yao taking out the wooden box.

“Okay. I understand. Later, I will go out from Palace, then send this thing out.” Right the moment when Fang Jing Yi took the thing, Yao Yao hasn’t loosen her hand, but coldly she stared at her.

Fang Jing Yi curiously looked at her: “Yao Yao.”

“Jing Yi.” That beautiful face gradually changed to be so serious. She slowly curved up her mouth corner: “This thing, it is your entire family life. If something wrong happen, then you are the one who sending all your family to the graveyard, Jing Yi. You are smart person, you must understand what I am saying to you, right?”

Suddenly, Fang Jing Yi’s hand that took the wooden box trembling, at this moment, the expression that Yao Yao showed in front of her eyes, it has beyond terrified her.

“Yao Yao.”

“Jing Yi, don’t blame me if I am threatening you right now. I can sincerely treat you as my best friend, but the fact that you had schemed me before, I can forgive you. But if this matter you do it by mistake, you die, I die and your entire family are going to company us.”

Listened to the cold speaking tone from Yao Yao, gradually Fang Jing Yi smiled: “Yao Yao, I understood. Just take this as the way I fix my mistake. This matter, I will do it good. No mistake and failure.” Took the thing.

Yao Yao suddenly hugged Fang Jing Yi: “If this success, I swear to heaven, if I can leave Sky City, I am guarantee your family living without worries.

“Hahahaha. Deal.” Fang Jing Yi smiled, nodding her head. She took the thing and then left.

This is a bet.

This is a trust and desperate bet.

If she didn’t trust Fang Jing Yi, then the Nano SD Card would never arrived on Yu Ao Tian’s hand, then everything just a failure.

If she trust Fang Jing Yi, then she still has 50% possibility to success.

Jing Yi, I hope you would not blame to use your family life to threat you. Because this matter really so important, if I didn’t do it well, I can’t.

But, you can feel rest assured…

Once it succeeded, I will fulfill my promise to you.

Her eyes still staring at Fang Jing Yi who has long gone, then quickly Yao Yao went to the city gate to meet Lan You.


A Naive Short Tempered Girl is posted and translated only for  Do not make a copy of the translations in pdf or any other distributable format! All forms of reproduction, redistribution, or reposting are not authorized. If you are not reading this from, then this translation has been taken without permission of the translator.

7 thoughts on “C-Novel: A Naive Short-tempered Girl (纯情丫头火辣辣) 639

  1. I really hope YY plan succeed and Lan You does not find out. Because if he does then not only YY will suffer the consequences but vice governor Xiao and Fang Jing Yi probably with their lives and family lives😰😰. Thank you Azurro ❤️

  2. if yao yao not met aotian and chen yi in first place, and aotian not the main male character , in this story swear to the God i will ship this couple yao yao aka landuo and K aka lanyou ,because eventhought lan you is weirdo but i found him is still sweet than aotian

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