

First this is not gossip

This post is dedicated to my fav actors and actress.

First good news come from Yang Mi and Hawick Law. I think whoever follow both Yang Mi and Hawick !aw weibo account should know that they are officially hubby and wifey. they get married and I really happy for them.

Hawick law is Hongkong actor but recently active in Mainland China. his drama which I watched for the first time was qian shan mo xue, sealed with kiss with Ying Er as co actress in which some critised about the excessive violence and vulgar scenes. I don’t mind and never takes drama as serious thing in my life. it only story, fictional story which maybe happen in real life moreover, watching just kind of entertaining thing for me.

I like how Hawick acting, I mean he goods in potray the characters whether he acted as shao qian the beast in sealed with kiss or as the eldest son in happy mother in law, pretty daughter in law.

Yang Mi is multi talented actress. she beautiful, cute, active and talkative. She rocks when she acted in first Gong drama which booming during that time. first time traveller drama I watched.

I never think Yang Mi will be with Feng Shao Feng just like many fans wish on. since FengMi (how fans of both shao feng and yang mi address the drama couple) has lots of project where both of them played in it.

in drama, Yang Mi and Feng Shao Feng have good chemistry but there they are. Good acting skill should ensure the viewer or audience to feel the “acting/fake” looks to be “real”.

I never want to talk something about gossip until the own person who get related confirm it by theirselves. just alike hawick and yang mi rumor from dating to married. when both of them confirm that they were dating and now become hubby-wifey, I just be happy for them.

Second good news come from Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi.

The relationship between 4th prince and ruo xi finally turn to be real. I hope they wil be long lasting just alike hawick and yangmi.

Nicky Wu ajusshi has been my fav actor when I was small. one of the most impressive movie I watched Nicky Wu was he acted as slam dunk hanamichi, jesus! he colour his hair red.

He just he. I don’t see any changes in his posture. he just looks maturer and still adoreable like first time I watched him during my kiddos time.

Bu Bu Jing Xi gives me so many feeling and personally, I did think to whom ruo xi should end on. I don’t want to pair actress and actor for real relationship since that is their life, their private matter to whom they interest on. but, I just like to make my assumption such as if ruo xi character might be best with this, that…

Think and think, I like ruo xi with 14th prince but somehow, I also wish bu bu jing xi shouldn’t end such like that but, that kind of ending for bu bu jing xi might the best so they did the sequel, ahahahahahaha. I am too random and contradictive I think.

Liu Shi Shi is one of A class actress in mainland. most of her drama was sell-able such as Chinese paladin and bu bu jing xin.

I like liu shi shi just  like I adore yang mi. I do fav much more actresses such as tang yan, guo zhen ni, lv yi, etc.

again congratz to Hawick Law and law tai tai (Yang Mi) and Nicky Wu with Liu Shi shi.

happy news to share…

Hope long lasting and I really can’t wait their new drama especially BBQX sequel.

Hawick and Yang mi
Hawick and Yang mi

Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi

Picture is credited to the owner since I don’t own any of it

Touch the heart by words