
Review : The Original Caviar Shampoo

As I promised to make the review of the caviar Shampoo which booming in my country, claiming to reduce hair loss up to 98% and speed up the hair growth.

Well, the seller told me that I will notice the difference before and after 14 days usage (once everyday)

in my unknowing on what the product is, from what ingredients it is and whether it safe or not, I gave a try and here we go…

The product promises and claim
1. reduce hair loss
2. speed up the growth
3. Smooth the hair alike silk
4. giving shiny looks
5. healthy hair

What I said after used it for 14 days
1. My hair still loss even not as much as usual2. My hair not really grow very fast as what the product said. I think my hair growth in normal pace because since D1 till D14 my hair only getting long about 0.3-0.5 cm which I don’t know is it count speed?
3. Smooth? this really nonsense! it even make my hair very dry and coarse. I even put more my pantene conditioner
4. Shinny looks? it not happen in my case
5. I might resume, my hair is not healthy since I do feel it even worsen than before.

wasting my time to hope and nothing happen but it worsen my hair. I will get back to use drug store shampoo before I find better product for my hair.

My suggestion
I think for those have sensitive hair scalp better do not use the product since everything about this product is so blur. even the origin country said from Australia but I can’t even find the manufacturer or any information from internet, as if this product just exist in such way.

I hope my review gonna help you guys as your consideration in purchasing such things.

If you have any product that wanted me to review, please send me an email or comment box below 🙂

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