Beauty · Experience

Pimples, Why it show up again and again?

I got so many question from friends and readers about how to cure pimples/acne and prevent it to show up again in the future.
First at all, I am not expert and pro but all based on my personal experienced.

I never go to dermatologist for cure my skin problem since I never have (hoping will never in the future 🙂 ) “problematic” or “severe” skin problems.

Let’s we begin with what is pimple?
Based on wikipedia pimple is a kind of comedo and one of the many result of excess oil getting trapped in the pores.
It true that those who has huge pores is major to have pimple since the excess oil or dirt trapped in the pores.

The causes will be vary from one to others
– Puberity
– Big pores
– Sebum
– Bacteria

In my case, I have pimples when the weather is changing or when I having my period or eating excess oily food. pimples in my face not too much only two or three but sometime it bother me lots.

What I do…
I would like to change my cleanser foam with those contain tea tree, triclosan or any ingredient that useful for getting rid the pimples. Then I also like to change the toner too.

I will stop using my make up even BB or CC cream and also limited to use the product onto my face. usually I would like to stop creams. serum, essence, etc.

Drinking lots of mineral water is important and also have my green tea. the other important thing is changing eat pattern. I will stop those oily food and only limit my food to fruit or boil vegetable or fresh salads.

Actually I have very cooperative skin. Eating nuts or seed won’t ease me to get pimples but still it better to take care XD

Pimples and acne are skin problem that most people afraid of since it could be stay for years and years and hard to cure. in my opinion, Pimples not really that scary if we diligent to take care our skin by keeping clean our face, don’t touch face so often and have proper skin routine.

My sis is one the good example how her pimples difficult to cure  and show up so often because she is so lazy to take care her skin. When her pimples annoyed her, she was panic to seek help in caring her skin, especially face area. Once she took more than three months for recover from her pimples since then she becomes little diligent to cleanse her face and put some skin care products.

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